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Download Maiandra GD Roman font. File name Font Format Version Glyphs Size; maiandra-gd.ttf: TTF - TrueType — 256 Maiandra Gd font is the creative font typeface that can you utilize for designing projects. It is a superb font and works best for any projects. Maiandra GD is a humanistic sans font inspired by means of Oswald Bruce Cooper’s hand lettering for an advertisement in 1909, which used to be headquartered through Greek epigraphy. Download Maiandra GD Demi BoldTrueType font. Download 186,286 Free fonts at ufonts.com Maiandra GD Font, Download Maiandra GD .ttf truetype or .zip Free Free Windows Fonts for Donwload Maiandra, whose name derives from the Greek 'maiandros', meaning 'meander,' is intended for extended text use, as well as for informal subject matter, such as business correspondence, brochures and broadsides. Download the Maiandra GD Demi Bold free font. Detailed information on the Maiandra GD Demi Bold font: license; glyphs; specimens; for OS: Windows, Mac, Linux; for


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Maiandra font is the stylish and modern font family, it is best for any designs. Download this lovely font and use it in your projects. Kazimir is the whole thing you need for a high-classification font.

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Maiandra Font. Maiandra font is a difficult-working household of geometric san-serif typefaces. Designed through American type designer Tobias Frere-Jones in 2000, it was as soon as on the commissioned with the aid of GQ journal and balances. A Geneva font with distinct fluid curves, the Afrile script is obviously a stunner! These based Download maiandra gd font with regular style. Download free fonts for Mac, Windows and Linux. All fonts are in TrueType format. Fontsup.com is a great collection of free fonts. Maiandra, whose name derives from the Greek 'maiandros', meaning 'meander,' is intended for extended text use, as well as for informal subject matter, such as business correspondence, brochures and broadsides. Download Maiandra GD, font family Maiandra GD by with Regular weight and style, download file name is maiandra-gd.ttf